That Website Bloke

That Website Bloke - Frequently Asked Questions

Low overheads and expert design. We build stylish and functional websites that provide an online shopfront for businesses such as electricians and other trade contractors through to hairdressers, mechanics, personal coaching services and others. We build product catalogues and shopping carts using a payment conduit via paypal. Periodical billing systems available.

More dynamic and complex sites involving other e-commerce options will require a quote on application.

Yes. the servers are leased from Panthur ltd in Sydney, Australia. There are 4 DNS servers and the loading speeds are some of the quickest in the world. 

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That depends on a number of factors. Initially it is up to you as to how quickly you get your information to us, like text, photos, audio or video and any particular functions you require on your site. There is a an approximate 48 hour turnaround to the initial preview and then the tweaking begins. Generally speaking it should take between 7 - 10 working days. sometimes longer, sometimes not.